Discord Snowflake ID to Timestamp Conversion Tool

Convert any Discord snowflake to Timestamp to check when a message was sent

Discord Snowflake Lookup

Discord Snowflake (ID) to Timestamp converter

Use this tool to check exactly when someone made their Discord account (profile), when a Discord server was made, or even exactly when any Discord message was sent. Nothing more than the Discord Snowflake (also called the Discord ID) is needed to check this. With our tool you can check any Discord Snowflake to see the timestamp and exactly when it was created.

How do I find a Discord Snowflake?

In order to find a Discord Snowflake you will first need to enable Developer mode on your Discord client. The setting for Developer mode is found in different tabs within the main "Settings" menu depending on what device is beind used.

For those on a PC: Developer mode can be enabled in the Settings -> "Advanced Settings" tab
For those on a PC: Developer mode can be enabled in the Settings -> "Advanced Settings" tab
For those on an Andriod device: Developer mode can be enabled in the Settings -> "Behaviour"tab

Once developer mode is enabled, on PC you can right click any Discord message, Discord server, or Discord account and press "Copy ID". This will copy the Discord snowflake to your clipboard.
If you're on mobile, simply press down on the Discord server icon, Discord message, or Discord account and press the 3 dots, or press the "Copy ID" button.

Check out this video if you're stuck.

How to use the snowflake time conversion tool?

This tool is completely free and very easy to use. All you need to do is paste the snowflake into our tool above then press "Get Information" and it will output the exact timestamp in which the snowflake was created. It will output the timestamp in both terms of your local browser time and GMT for maximum clarity.

More information about this tool:

Sometimes Discord does not output the timestamp of a certain message, and it also doesn't output the seconds when a message was sent. You can use this tool to check exactly when someone made their Discord account, sent a Discord message, or even check when a Discord server was made. If you'd like to check more information about a Discord server, check out our server invite tool. If you'd like to view, download, or grab someones Discord profile picture, check out this tool that we built.

If you've found an issue with our snowflake to timestamp conversion tool or would like to suggest an improvement, please let us know. You can get in touch with us on our official support server found in the "contact us" section of our footer. Please note that we are not affiliated with Discord.