Discord Vanity URL Availability Checker

Check if any Discord Vanity URL is available for use or not

Discord Vanity Checker

Check any Discord vanity URL for availability

This tool can be used to check if any Discord vanity URL is available for use or not. Simply enter any Discord vanity code and our tool will determine if it's currently free to use or not. It will also show you information about the Discord server if the vanity URL is taken, including the server name, when the server was created, the server profile picture, server description, and whether the vanity link ever expires or not. The service is free and costs nothing to use. You can use it as many times as you would like to check vanity URLs until you find the perfect one to use!

What is a Discord Vanity link?

A Discord Vanity URL for your server is a great way to make your server more accessible to your current and potential members. A vanity URL is a custom URL that replaces the generic one provided by Discord when you first create a server. This custom URL can be used to access your server and make it easier for others to find and join.
As of right now, your server will need to be at least level 3 in order to qualify for a custom vanity URL on Discord. As of right now level 3 requires 14 server boosts. This means that you'llneed 14 server boosts in order to be eligible for a custom vanity URL on Discord.

How to get more information about Discord Servers with the invite link?

If you'd like to get more information about a Discord server through the invite link, then check out our Invite server info Discord tool. It lets you extract information from a Discord server including the server profile picture icon, the server banner, server name, server splash banner, server description, member count, online users, and the invite expiration date.

How do I know if a Discord vanity link is taken or not?

To check if a Discord vanity link is taken or not, you can use our free vanity link checking tool. Simply enter the vanity link in the search bar and the tool will tell you if it is available for use or taken. The tool will also provide additional information regarding the vanity link, such as the server it is associated with, the server description, and if the vanity link will expire. This can help you determine if the vanity link is still active or if it has been abandoned by its original creator. If the vanity link is currently in use, the tool will provide a direct link to the server where it is being used. You can also use the tool to check for similar vanity links that may be available.

More information about this tool:

This tool is designed to help you find the perfect Discord vanity link. All you have to do is enter your desired vanity link and our tool will tell you if it's available.
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If you notice any errors with the output of the tool or would like to suggest some improvements, please don't hesitate to contact us. Just press the "Contact us" button in the footer below and let us know. Please note that we are not affiliated with Discord.